Forty years ago when my dad & grandfather ended their lives, the word suicide was never used. It was simply said my grandfather ended his life because he had suffered from severe headaches and could not stand the pain any longer. As time progressed, anxiety, depression, alcoholism, and nervous breakdown were the words used to explain why my dad had ended his life. Twenty years later and a whole new vocabulary was associated with why my sister had taken her life. Initially it was anxiety then depression followed by being bipolar, unipolar, major depression, manic depressive, and finally schizophrenia. What do all these conditions have in common and why does it lead to suicide? Continue reading
Would God Create Us With A Bad Set of Genes?
We were never meant to live on earth forever but have you ever wondered just how long God meant for human life to exist on earth? We can find the answer in Genesis 6:3, “The Lord said, ‘My spirit shall not remain in man forever, since he is but flesh. His days shall comprise one hundred and twenty years.” Continue reading